
The Theory Behind Great Gatsby

I've heard horrible stories about The Great Gatsby [here on out noted as GG].

All my friends who have read it say that it is hard to understand, even harder to think that the book focuses around a period in American history that actually happened. But I don't feel this. In fact, I'm beginning to think that my intellect has grown in the past year, because I never could have an intelligent conversation with any of my friends. Yet that has all changed.

It seems like, although I am 16 and my friends are all 17 or 18, I am the mature one of the group. Nevermind the fact that I cannot drive or can't even get my own paycheck. Let's just remember that I go to school, give my teachers a run for their money and life is hunky dory in some corners of the world. Heck, I even outsmarted Lauren -- a mightily uncommon feat amongst my peers. Usually she is sharper than a double edged knife. The only thing that keeps me sane is the thought of a certain, sarcastic, cynical potions master who has the power to make her grovel before him. [of course, he can make me grovel anytime...*blushes*]

Case in point, I am actually starting to believe that Gilbert has gotten to me. Yes, the impossible has become possible, people. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. You can't even begin to comprehend how much this wrenches me inside to say those hideous words.

GG is an excellent book [so far -- I've only gotten through chapter one]. The Cliff notes were only purchased as a back-up plan, as many of my friends advised me to obtain. But I really don't need it. I understand whats happening, although it was rather helpful to know that the reason Gatsby was 'outstretched towards the river at night' was because he wanted Daisy and that they'd been together before she was married...Sorry, that was a bit of a spoiler. ;o) I couldn't resist...

Anyway, before I go, I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Teri! [It was on Sunday. Don't worry, I didn't forget...I sent her an ecard and a book on Sunday...I just haven't been to my blog.]


Art thou Cynical, pessimistic, sarcastic and sleep deprieved? Thou art a Wench, thou dost act as thou aren't?


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