
Top Ten Reasons to Avoid Spring Break AT ALL COSTS!

10. For no apparent reason, the sun goes after pasty, white skin with a vengeance [and it just happens to be when the stores run out of sunscreen and aloe vera gel...]
9. Teenagers out on the roads *stares blankly around at people* Who, me?
8. Teenagers...out...in general...
7. Cadbury Eggs+Easter Bunny+Pizza= One very, very angry coach
6. Your mother realizes 'My god! She/He's home for a week!' The room must be sparkling by friday...*glares at bathroom cleaner*...we won't even go there...
5. You must survive the week with your brother/sister [I don't know how I did it...]
4. You must share one computer with said brother/sister *sobs* [no, it's alright...I just have three essays to do...go ahead and talk with that guy in New York...]
3. Forget even trying to go anywhere during the week --> Take SFO for example; I think it would be lucky if anyone made it to Tahiti by summer.
2. The Homework

And the number one reason why you should avoid Spring Break AT ALL COSTS is:
1. Everyone loves a sarcastic, bitchy, cynical, evil, sleep-deprieved wench, don't they???

Yes, this is what my week consisted of. Don't make the same mistake! BOYCOTT SPRING BREAK!


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