
Top Ten Things to do in History

10. Listen [although whoever does this is either extremely awake or really, really bored...]
9. Place bets with your friends to see who's head will hit the desk first in a dead coma.
8. Study Spanish vocabulary and wait until your teacher understands what you're reading.
7. When asked a question, immedeatly respond with, 'In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.'
6. Snore -- Loudly.
5. Place foot on leg of the desk in front of you and shake repeatedly.
4. When asked to list presidents in order, shout out random famous people.
3. Eat food.
2. Draw Obscene pictures on chalkboard behind you.

And the number one thing to do in history is:
Draw stick people all over time lines, dittos, books and folders -- all of them should say something random and sarcastic.

Top Ten Ways to Piss Ms. Gilbert Off

10. Say something 'discriminatory' [however, you won't just piss her off...you'll have one very pissed off Junior *points at herself* coming after you*
9. Eat or drink in her class.
8. Try and make her do math calculations.
7. Say the book she's assigned/given you sucks [and then laugh]
6. Make things too complicated for her to understand or just talk really, really fast.
5. Comment about her weight [this emits an immediate degrading remark]
4. Don't do the homework or the reading [this is especially funny to do]
3. Wave chocolate in front of her.
2. Shake the desk, click your pencil, crumple paper...

And the number one way to piss off Ms. Gilbert is:
TEEN TALK!!!!!!!!

Top Ten Things to do When You Are Driving

10. Play music as loud as you can.
9. Speed -- of course, at the first sign of a CHP officer, slow down.
8. Run a stop sign.
7. Run a red light.
6. Drive on the sidewalk.
5. Assign point values to every pedestrian coming your way or in front of you.
4. When the guard gates are heading down on across a train track, speed on through.
3. Burn rubber before leaving a parking lot.
2. Drive around with no lights on at night.

And the number one thing to do when driving is:
Drive around at 3AM in Foster City with three drunk people [one of them with a cell phone and talking to someone] in the car with you.

Yes, I know. I'm addicted to lists...or at least, that's what Teri says. I'm starting to get the feeling she's right.

Kryssy [who actually did do the number one slot in the 'Drive around' list...]


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