
So...we meet again.

The Incredible Plot Bunny!

Yeah. I gave up with HTML. I remember blatantly screaming Screw You! at the page the fiftieth time that it came out as...as...blank. What did you expect? I am not your typical jenious, as Meagan says so clearly in Physics to me one afternoon.

"You're more like those strong, silent types that although they are terrible students, can really take over the world with just one carefully placed word."


Yeah. So. I wanted to talk about the elusive plot bunny this evening. For I have so many of them, and I need input, Godamnit! Plot Bunnies run by, giving me ideas or at least the title and summaries for stories, however I never know what I am going to write or whatever. And that gets to be downright frustrating! Especially when one shoots up a hairball onto my rug (i.e. it's a good idea, but I have to 'ability' to write it.)

Anyway, School hasn't been going so well. I have really been slacking lately. When I say slacking, I mean a homework/notebook boycott going on two weeks. Thankfully, it's spring break now so I really don't have to worry about any homework...I think...

haha...Just kidding. Maybe I'll get a chance to sit down and finally finish the stories I have been procrastinating with. Take, for example, The Old Crowd and Full of Grace. I originally planned for those to be out in November and it wasn't even March when they were finally posted.

Procrastination - N or V, depending on form used. 1. To leave off until the last minute.

Look up Procrastination in the dictionary, and you'll see a picture of me, guaranteed.

And not even that...my website isn't even finished! I'm pissed man...especially since work with Flash is going much slower than I originally anticipated. I am trying to work the site so that I can actually have all my stories on there. But after my computer crashed and I lost the chapters of the SoF Trilogy (thankfully logged on FF.nt), I haven't exactly worked out the kinks in the system.

Yah. I'm tired of writing my thoughts. I actually feel like writing something that will be more constricting.

pfff. A cold day in hell when that happens.



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