
The Dreaded English Project

Puritans were crazy. Yeah, so they founded the United States and presented a new way of living. However, they had many, many cooky ideas about Religion, Government and Philosophy.

-- Excerpt from my English Project: Puritan section

It's something about English that really gets me going. For some incredible reason, I've actually decided to go all out in this English assignment, especially since it is the last one of the year and I feel the need to take Ms. Gilbert to the extreme. For all I know, she's expecting some quaint, nicely colored project that is both eye-catching and accurate. However, what she is going to get is a collossal project enough to take the skin off. And if the above sentence is any proof as to how it's going, then I'll be damned if I won't have a laugh over it all.

So, writing is on hold, being as I have about three projects in the works right now, and to tell you the truth I am a bit...erm...sad. I have many, many good ideas and I really hope I'll get to use them, eventually.

Back to the English Project.

Great Gatsby, Puritans, Black Boy [the novel by Richard Wright], Grapes of Wrath and the Bean Trees are all being thrown together into some type of massive colaboration comparing all the novels together. However, I really cannot see the connections between any of them and frankly, I don't care. With the shape that my grades have been the past two semesters, it wouldn't surprise me if I was scalped alive by my parents. So far, I haven't even gotten past the cover, which decorated cover related to theme which is engaging and colorful. The theme, by the way, is the American Dream. If anyone can find a way to connect any of these stories to the 'American Dream', please...please...PLEASE send me an email explaining it, because I am at a loss for words.

Then summer...[begin!nightmare] is so full, I honestly don't think I should be leaving school for any reason. I mean, seriously...it won't be any fun. No vacations, no...fun. And I might have to get a job.../sarcasm. SO, I am off to eat dinner and tangle with Paintshop Pro..

Kryssy, the I-should-be-asleep-schizophrenic-with-an-html-obsession


Want to Get Sorted?
I'm a Hufflepuff!

Yet for some reason, this hat puts me in Slytherin...

While on the Warner Bros. site, I'm a Gryffindor...

And my wand? Unicorn Hair, Willow, 10 inches


The Theory Behind Great Gatsby

I've heard horrible stories about The Great Gatsby [here on out noted as GG].

All my friends who have read it say that it is hard to understand, even harder to think that the book focuses around a period in American history that actually happened. But I don't feel this. In fact, I'm beginning to think that my intellect has grown in the past year, because I never could have an intelligent conversation with any of my friends. Yet that has all changed.

It seems like, although I am 16 and my friends are all 17 or 18, I am the mature one of the group. Nevermind the fact that I cannot drive or can't even get my own paycheck. Let's just remember that I go to school, give my teachers a run for their money and life is hunky dory in some corners of the world. Heck, I even outsmarted Lauren -- a mightily uncommon feat amongst my peers. Usually she is sharper than a double edged knife. The only thing that keeps me sane is the thought of a certain, sarcastic, cynical potions master who has the power to make her grovel before him. [of course, he can make me grovel anytime...*blushes*]

Case in point, I am actually starting to believe that Gilbert has gotten to me. Yes, the impossible has become possible, people. Terrible. Absolutely terrible. You can't even begin to comprehend how much this wrenches me inside to say those hideous words.

GG is an excellent book [so far -- I've only gotten through chapter one]. The Cliff notes were only purchased as a back-up plan, as many of my friends advised me to obtain. But I really don't need it. I understand whats happening, although it was rather helpful to know that the reason Gatsby was 'outstretched towards the river at night' was because he wanted Daisy and that they'd been together before she was married...Sorry, that was a bit of a spoiler. ;o) I couldn't resist...

Anyway, before I go, I would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Teri! [It was on Sunday. Don't worry, I didn't forget...I sent her an ecard and a book on Sunday...I just haven't been to my blog.]


Art thou Cynical, pessimistic, sarcastic and sleep deprieved? Thou art a Wench, thou dost act as thou aren't?


Krystle Flower in...

There's more to life than chocolate and Harry Potter

Part One: Borderline

I have this indefineable urge to tell my story from the beginning, so as to clear up any sort of 'skepticism' you might have. However, if I told it, it would take to long. I am growing up in a household where family values disappeared a long, long time ago. What I mean is that in other homes, the man plays a dominant role in the child's developement. They don't drink so much that every sentence is like listening to slurs and swears. They laugh, they cry, they get angry like every man is allowed to.

In my house, anything and I mean *anything* goes.

You can have an obsession with having a boyfriend online, be worried about which college you'll be going to, have an obsession with Harry Potter and chocolate at the same time and no one will try and stop you. Music is played as loud as you want it to be. Everything is hunky. It's just that you don't have a father.

So, I guess this is where I'll begin my story, even if it isn't about me. I just tell it like it is.

You see, there are people in life who have phobias against the strangest things. Others, like myself, are undisclosed Schizophrenics and Multiple Personality Disorders. It's all one big jumble. But others...well, others are just strange.

Enter Marsey Greuls. She is a friend of mine who is the worst of every human being. Sarcastic, Cynical, Bitchy, Slutty...[notice that it is all the stuff that I am minus the slutty...] the list can go on in this vein for some time. However, she has taught me a valuable lesson.

"Kryssy," she mutters as usual, slipping in beside me at my locker. "I'll never understand *why* you are obsessed with Harry Potter. I think you are paranormal." Then she walks away. No explanation, no allowance to hear some type of come back.

This is Marsey. Her life has been a lot tougher than she cares to admit. Being friends with her is like some type of bad habit; it won't go away, no matter how much you say you hate it or despise it. Like a fly.

So, I slam the locker shut, bite my tongue, and head off in the opposite direction -- praying that I have the moral strength not to strangle her. Which, by the way, is almost non-existent.


"There is more to life than chocolate and Harry Potter, Kryssy. I know that, you *should* know that...but you don't," Marsey sneers while taking a sip of her chocolate milk. "There is only one thing that I can say to you -- the real world doesn't have Nimbus 2000's and trains that take you away from your pain. You just have to suffer."

Kryssy bites her tongue, leaning against the tree. "Say what you want, Marsey. But if I remember correctly, I am *not* the one who has problems perceiving reality."

"This? Coming from a self-procclaimed Schizo? That's awfully modest of you, Kryssy...tell me, which voice is speaking right now?"

Kryssy stands, bumping her head on an abnormally low branch. One of these days... "Are you through yet? I'm getting quite tired of lectures right about now."

But Marsey doesn't answer...just sits, looking up at the sky and plucking at the grass between her fingers. Her face is relaxed, revealing no emotion. However, her eyes...her eyes look like deep holes within pale snow. Kryssy, frustrated and fighting back homicidal urges, slings her bag over her shoulder and stomps off, muttering to herself.


Marsey. Evil. Cynical. Bitter. She's never had one solid thing in her life -- not one withstanding friendship, not one boyfriend or ounce of family who cares. I guess that's why I feel the need to be her friend. But there are things about myself I could never tell *anyone*. Skeletons don't like to dance, therefore I'm not forcing them to. And judging by the way Marsey acts now, I don't want to know much about her, either. It would probably be something too traumatic to think of, and I know that things are bad -- really bad.


Borderline:Very High
Avoidant:Very High

-- Click Here To Take The Test --

Which Star-Crossed Marvel Lover Are You?

I'm so like Lisa!

I'm Lisa, who are you? by Lexi

which children's storybook character are you?

this quiz was made by colleen

You are Spaceman Spiff!
Zounds! You are the intrepid Spaceman Spiff, the engaging explorer ensconsed in an unending universe of exotic and evil extraterrestrials! You're brave, but you should give that dictionary a rest.
Take the What Calvin are You? Quiz by contessina_2000@yahoo.com!


Top Ten Things to do in History

10. Listen [although whoever does this is either extremely awake or really, really bored...]
9. Place bets with your friends to see who's head will hit the desk first in a dead coma.
8. Study Spanish vocabulary and wait until your teacher understands what you're reading.
7. When asked a question, immedeatly respond with, 'In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue.'
6. Snore -- Loudly.
5. Place foot on leg of the desk in front of you and shake repeatedly.
4. When asked to list presidents in order, shout out random famous people.
3. Eat food.
2. Draw Obscene pictures on chalkboard behind you.

And the number one thing to do in history is:
Draw stick people all over time lines, dittos, books and folders -- all of them should say something random and sarcastic.

Top Ten Ways to Piss Ms. Gilbert Off

10. Say something 'discriminatory' [however, you won't just piss her off...you'll have one very pissed off Junior *points at herself* coming after you*
9. Eat or drink in her class.
8. Try and make her do math calculations.
7. Say the book she's assigned/given you sucks [and then laugh]
6. Make things too complicated for her to understand or just talk really, really fast.
5. Comment about her weight [this emits an immediate degrading remark]
4. Don't do the homework or the reading [this is especially funny to do]
3. Wave chocolate in front of her.
2. Shake the desk, click your pencil, crumple paper...

And the number one way to piss off Ms. Gilbert is:
TEEN TALK!!!!!!!!

Top Ten Things to do When You Are Driving

10. Play music as loud as you can.
9. Speed -- of course, at the first sign of a CHP officer, slow down.
8. Run a stop sign.
7. Run a red light.
6. Drive on the sidewalk.
5. Assign point values to every pedestrian coming your way or in front of you.
4. When the guard gates are heading down on across a train track, speed on through.
3. Burn rubber before leaving a parking lot.
2. Drive around with no lights on at night.

And the number one thing to do when driving is:
Drive around at 3AM in Foster City with three drunk people [one of them with a cell phone and talking to someone] in the car with you.

Yes, I know. I'm addicted to lists...or at least, that's what Teri says. I'm starting to get the feeling she's right.

Kryssy [who actually did do the number one slot in the 'Drive around' list...]


Top Ten Reasons to Cut Burlingame High School

10. I live so far away from the school that I won't get caught by my parents.
9. I can't stand the train...going by...constantly...
8. When they cut the grass, I have to go home anyway [because of allergies]
7. It's gettin harder and harder to fake being sick *damn the nurse*
6. Parent's are beginning to catch on...
5. Remember that book you should have read? two months ago???
4. Absolutely no access to the internet *sobs*
3. Remember that 500 page essay? The math homework? What about that project due in 1st period?
2. Burlingame Avenue.

And the number one reason to cut Burlingame High School is:
1. Everyone loves the teachers! /sarcasm

And could you possibly guess where I am posting this from???

:op Kryssy


Top Ten Reasons to Avoid Spring Break AT ALL COSTS!

10. For no apparent reason, the sun goes after pasty, white skin with a vengeance [and it just happens to be when the stores run out of sunscreen and aloe vera gel...]
9. Teenagers out on the roads *stares blankly around at people* Who, me?
8. Teenagers...out...in general...
7. Cadbury Eggs+Easter Bunny+Pizza= One very, very angry coach
6. Your mother realizes 'My god! She/He's home for a week!' The room must be sparkling by friday...*glares at bathroom cleaner*...we won't even go there...
5. You must survive the week with your brother/sister [I don't know how I did it...]
4. You must share one computer with said brother/sister *sobs* [no, it's alright...I just have three essays to do...go ahead and talk with that guy in New York...]
3. Forget even trying to go anywhere during the week --> Take SFO for example; I think it would be lucky if anyone made it to Tahiti by summer.
2. The Homework

And the number one reason why you should avoid Spring Break AT ALL COSTS is:
1. Everyone loves a sarcastic, bitchy, cynical, evil, sleep-deprieved wench, don't they???

Yes, this is what my week consisted of. Don't make the same mistake! BOYCOTT SPRING BREAK!