
My room is demolished! *evil cackle* I'll be posting pictures of it when it's done, but so far it has been de-papered, de-clothed and is strung with Chili Pepper lights. Har har.

AND there is a new Coldplay song that I am searching for. I can't remember the name and I know their new album comes out August 27th so BAH.


Rowling vs. Stouffer PLEASE read this and tell me you think Stouffer is as stupid as I think she is...please...please...

"Now, ``it's impossible for me to market Muggles'', Stouffer says. Stouffer believes that if the cards had been cut another way, much of Rowling's fame and glory might be hers. " <--- what an idiot. Her books didn't sell the first time around and she thinks that JK would give her a chance at the money pot??? come on...

*sigh* Just makes you want to kick her right into her little 'atomic hollocaust surviving cutouts' of muggles, dont it?

Guess what? Guess What!!!?? I have already received several shining reviews on FA for Into the Terrible Night! I think I've died...


You are Suqarquill. You 're so perky, it's a little frghtening. You live in your own little universe in which Ron is never, ever a bad person and in fact may be the little-acknowleged main character of the series. Your fans love you rabidly, but those who don’t sail the “Good Ship” may find your mantras, creeds and view of canon a little hard to swallow. It doesn’t matter, you don’t need their approval, thank you very much. Oh, and it’s not orange, dammit. It’s Gryffindor gold.

Find out which fanfic archive you are.

I'm still busy trying to decide wether this is a good thing or a bad thing...

You are a perfectly normal, non fanfic-reading, politically unaffiliated random fan who just happened to stumble upon the Internet. You poor misguided soul. Get back to HP4GU where you came from and may horrifying vistas of overly complicated and pointless fandom internecine warfare never darken your screen again. And can we interest you in this fabulous Tom/Ginny NC-17 fic? No? Where are you going? Come back! We have candy!

Find out which inner circle you are.

However, when I did it again...

are the Fiction Alley Modz. Ever hard-working, forever maligned, you protest violently that there is no Inner Circle, whilst busily enslaving minions and alienating others on your way to Fandom domination. It never looks like an Inner Circle from the inside, but you're so well-hidden by your Outer Inner Circle, your Quasi-Outer Circle, and your Outer Circle Proper that you wouldn't be able to find our way back to fandom without a trail of rock cakes to lead you there.

Find out which inner circle you are.

Into the Terrible Night is up on The Dark Arts!!!

Finally! I finished my next Niffler review...

The Arithmancer's Apprenticeby Alec Dossetor and Teri Krenek


JK Rowling has placed many obscure characters in her series, however none stand as overshadowed and threatening as Tom Marvolo Riddle, also known as Lord Voldemort, the arch-nemesis of Harry Potter. I have rarely see stories that encompass the life story of Voldemort, and when I do come across them, they are a bit shaky -- some with major plot holes and others forgetting the little bits of information that JKR has shared with the general public.

However, it's about time that one has surfaced in a lake of suspicious plots and Gary Stu's. Enter The Arithmancer's Apprentice.

Aside from perfect spelling and grammar, there are some interesting plot devices at work straight from the beginning. The scene is set during Tom Riddle's third year, during a school field trip to a wizarding country house. The Arithmancy professor, Abbacus Gryme, sends Tom on a mission to recover an object he kept in his old study when he lived there as a librarian.

First and foremost is the impression we receive of Tom Riddle. I, for one, do not believe for one second that Tom had always been a wand-wielding psychopath and still stand my ground against it. Tom, in this story is portrayed as a thirteen year old boy who is a half-blood and in Slytherin. Simple as that.

Abbacus Gryme provides an interesting flavor to the plot -- it is, after all, because of him that Tom must go on the 'mission', and Gryme is a reason that Tom becomes the most evil Dark Lord in a century -- as he does also reappear in Imperius Quidditch.

Gryme and many other interesting characters, combined with a twisty plot and great storytelling make this story truly excellent. I, for one, cannot wait for the next chapter.

Special thanks to a dear friend for her help with this review.


Major, major bummer. I haven't been on the internet for little more that two hours, and I am getting kicked off. It is most unjust, especially since I wasn't on the computer yesterday orthe day before. You see, the irony is that when my sister wants to get on the computer, she gets her way -- everyone joins her side (mom, dad, even the flippin dog). And sometimes I'm not even on there for more than an hour. However, when I want on the computer, everyone just stays quiet -- my sister won't budge, my mom doesn't do anything. Instead, she tries to get me to 'clean the bathroom' or vaccuum or something.



Okay, yesterday was a test of my pain 'control'. Why? We went to the store and I decided 'wow, I'm better -- I can eat solid foods now.' So, what did I do? Eat a bleedin corndog. I don't think my throat has ever been so sore.

And come to find out, I submitted my fic the *wrong* way to FA (i.e. I accidentally left my vB user name in the slot for author's name and I now have two author names on FA -- SUCK) so now I have two forums to Mod and I'm a bit tweaked.

Although this morning my mom and I had a rather fun water fight with my mom -- three squirt guns and a bag full of water balloons. Sopping wet, laughing and screaming at each other on the deck while the neighbors watched -- pure, unadultered FUN. I love summer.


Hey! Check out those cool, new buttons on the side-menu thing! Wow! *arm bow* *arm bow*

Har har...

Alan Rickman *swoons*
Which Alan Rickman Character Are You?

Ha Ha!!


Just puttering around on my compu., so don't mind me...

OH! I'll post the link as soon as I get it up, but Into the Terrible Night has been submitted to Fiction Alley and Sugarquill. Neato, eh?


The internet was literally taking out from right under us. AT&T 'claimed' that we hadn't been paying our bill and so they took the internet from us. Well, earlier, my dad *thought* he'd lost his wallet at a gas station in Daly City -- if you lost it there, forget about getting it back. Anywho, we cancelled all the credit cards, including the card from which AT&T took the money for the monthly bill. Hence why they weren't getting paid and why we didn't get internet all during my important recovery. But the good news is that I got the chance to re-read Prisoner of Azkaban and have now started re-reading Goblet of Fire.

In tonsilectomy news (spelling, anyone?), my throat is like raw hamburger -- literally. I'm still on soft foods and only two days ago cracked into the ice cream stock that we got last week. YUM. Nothing like Vanilla and Dutch Chocolate ice cream to make you think doctors are gods. Oh, and here are some pictures:

My MooCowBaby that my sister got me for a speedy recovery.

The only pic of me you'll ever see -- I look just as cynical and grumpy as always -- but never quite as swollen. That's an ice collar around my neck and...well...you'd be mad if your sister was taking your picture too, no?

Anywho, I'll probably go and read GoF now.

The tonsilectomy survivor.


I'm just hanging around FAP and the like...mind you, I'm so tired I honestly don't know what I am reading. Yep...got my tonsils out and I feel like I've been kicked in the stomach, ribs, chest, shoulders and legs -- everything hurts. And mind you, I don't know why *everything* should hurt.

Worst out of all of it is that my throat is extremely sore and swollen -- I can't even talk properly. And I'm craving some seriously solid food but, well, I still have approx. nine days to go until I can eat anything like that. Bugger.

My plans for CSM *College of San Mateo* plans fell out for the summer, so it looks like I'll just be playing sports and working *hard*. So...blah.

Kryssy, who is majorly craving some chocolate right now...


I honestly think I'm going to keel over dead...or giggling. Either one would be sufficient, I think.

RJ Anderson, one of the prodigial writers in the HP world, 'blessed' me for my review of her fic, Epiphany, on FAP. Happy? No...try ecstatic. I was completely worried that she wouldn't like it and thank GOD Teri was online to help me while I ripped out my hair. It was just...wow. WOW. WOWOWOWOWOWO!!

Okay, okay, I'll stop now. Anyway...anyway...Good Lord, I'm twitching....*sigh* I got sunburnt today after going swimming. I'm in a great deal of pain right now..even my *fingers* are burnt. Go figure. Not only that, I went to register for summer courses up at CSM *our local community college* and...and...*sob* I can't register for any classes, even though I got a 32 on my English placement test *I'M A BLOODY COLLEGE ENGLISH HONOR STUDENT CATEGORY!!!* Bah. The reason? Basketball on Mondays from 3:30 until well past nightfall; Volleyball on Tuesdays from 7:30-9:00pm and weight training all week -- which is MANDATORY. friggin Mandatory. How lame.

And tomorrow...that's what I'm waiting the most for...my Tonsils come out! Har har...I'm ecstatic! /sarcasm. Oh well, at least I have a three week supply of ice cream on hand...

Mountain Dew Rocks!



There. I said it. Happy now? I've been waiting for this summer to come with a vengeance. Only problem is that I'll have to be spending the first few *days* in bed which sucks even more...gah...although, that does mean that I'll have more ice cream and the like...har har

It was an almost teary farewell to Ms. Gilbert -- seriously, people. I wrote her a very *sweet* note and...well...*sigh*. She was ready to cry, let's just say that. Very touching. And if I wasn't so full of contempt at the moment...

And Stephanie is going to Lincoln. She hasn't officially been said, but it doesn't look like BHS is an option, which sucks royal arse. So? What did I too? Wrote a bleedin letter that set me sobbing in Spanish. It was what I had been thinking of writing in her Senior yearbook, yet at the rate that it's going...everyone was looking at me like I was strange -- not like that is anything new -- while I sat there, gelly-roll pens in the forefront, and wrote a whole friggin page to her -- stick figures and everything. Does anyone even *know* how I feel right now? Like crap.


And to think that next year, I'll be getting professional pictures done *in all three sports AND for school*, getting *professional* invitation thingys for my graduation and registering for classes at CSM. How exciting. I'll also be snapping pictures like a wild woman, building up a collection substansial enough for Senior ads and hoping that my friends will like it -- a lot. Of course, with people like Stephanie Woodrow parading around like they own the flippin yearbook and school newspaper --'Flower, it's my job to take pictures of *everyone*!'

'Shut up, you overgrown prick.'

I'M SERIOUS! That is what I'm going to say to her should she make comments about my decade old camera. It's worse enough walking around with one of 'em Izones that's falling apart in your hands. Everytime I click the damn thing it sounds like it's going to fall apart...GAH! I'm outta here...I can't take it anymore! Oh gawds, I've written too much...

The human Jelly Roll. Har Har.


How cool is this layout? Har har. I'm so bleedin proud of myself for some reason...I'll never figure out why.


pfff. I honestly don't think I've made clear just how much I hate HTML.